Friday, August 14, 2009

A Bill that I Can Stand Behind...

and, no. I don't mean Clinton.

Just a few months back, March 26th to be exact, two female House Representatives, introduced the Breast Cancer Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young, EARLY, Act of 2009. In a bra cup, it's object of this Act is "to increase awareness of the risks of breast cancer in young women, and to provide support for those diagnosed with breast cancer."

Women fighting for the lives, education, health and empowerment of other women. Of course there was much controversy over it! Let the 'experts,' protests, and breast health myths begin.

One such 'expert' was quoted as stating,

"I leave politics to the politicians, why can't they leave science to the scientists? Except for family history, there are no important risks ... for women younger than 40."


:::Rubs eyes:::

Did I just read that? There are no important risks for younger women other than family history?!?! Have we learned nothing in all these years of breast cancer research? Are we really still at the place in thinking that our behaviors place no impact on our long term health. Scary!

Look. Speaking as someone with a family history, one that was a young diagnosis as well, I also have taken the time to educate myself and acknowledge the fact that it is not family history alone that dictates a woman's risk for breast cancer. Alcohol consumption, diet, tobacco use, and exercise are just some of the other known behavioral factors, not to mention environmental factors. No, these aren't fun to think fact, they are all huge bummers. How fun would it be to not give two thoughts about what we eat, drink, smoke, and breathe? But the fact of the matter is, we have to. Well, we don't HAVE to...but I do, because I wanna stick around to be queer and fabulous for as long as possible! So, please don't let these uninformed, woman-hating 'leaders' fool you. And more importantly, don't let them dictate your health care policy!

Thanks for letting me rant. =)