Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Queer Pride is Celebrated in New Delhi, India.

Queer Pride is Celebrated in New Delhi, India.

On June 28th, 2009. Delhi celebrated its second annual queer pride! As the traditional pride month of June comes to a close, and so many folks I know (who live in big cities in the US) seem to take this fact for granted, I thought it important to highlight the work and ideas that went into creating this community event.

Unlike gay prides in many American cities, which have become quite commercialized and mainstream, organizers in New Delhi are forging new ground, with a very strong political and social justice focus. I was checking out the organizing website and really liked what they had to say. It was a good reminder of how we shouldn’t forget that our pride celebrations came out of grassroots community organizing and how we shouldn’t forget to celebrate and embrace all the good work that is being done by queer folks (and allies) all over the world.

Here are some highlights:

“It is also important that we –
· Celebrate each and every family, workplace and friend who have accepted their queer sisters, brothers, children, colleagues and friends for who they are.

· Celebrate the support from politicians and other significant public figures, such as writers, thinkers and artists from across India, for the struggle.

· Congratulate the untiring efforts of activists, lawyers, journalists, artists and all individuals across the country, who not only live their own lives as queer people, but fight for queer people everywhere."

This is only the second year that such a large and visible display of queer pride has taken place in New Delhi. The event brought together hundreds of queer people; lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and their friends and families - to celebrate with pride, the dignity and rights of sexually marginalized people all across India and the world. For more info on the event and the organizing ideas that went into it, check out their organizing blog here: