Friday, July 17, 2009

Just call me Judge!

As a "wise latina woman," I'd like to share some of my thoughts about the recent nomination and badgering, I mean committee hearings, of Judge Sonya Sotomayor.

The hearings are an opportunity for Senators to ask Judge Sotomayor about many of the legal issues that come before the Supreme Court that impact women’s lives, including the right to privacy, equal protection under the law, anti-discrimination protections, health and safety regulations, and more.

As I had expected, she has handled the questioning and 'rituals' with pure intelligence and grace and transparency.

I have also recently discovered that Sotomayor and Myself are basically, the same person.

Riddle me this:
-we are both Puerto Rican (you know, there are so few of us)
-we are both from the Bronx (wait, puerto rican from the bronx? another rarity)
-we both graduated Cardinal Spellman High School
-we both spend the majority of our life raised by a single mother
-we both can have 'controversial' views
The similarities are endless!

On a more serious note, it excites me that we are looking towards a day, hopefully in the very near future, that we will have a Black male President and a Latina Supreme Court Judge. And while I readily admit that their respective races do not necessarily mean that they are/will be progressive in every aspect, particularly as it relates to race, class, sex, gender, orientation, immigration status, etc, I do agree with Sotomayor and would "hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

I will conclude with some much needed humor and insight from The Daily Show.
ps-i can't believe ms.faulkner is still at cardinal spellman!

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